Carly Maltais

From Energy Vanguard: Another Way to Prevent Your Garage from Making You Sick

If you have an attached garage where you live, the odds are high that your indoor air quality is worse than a home without an attached garage.

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Carly Maltais

The (Small) Cost of Ventilation Without Recovery

It is a common misconception that mechanical ventilation without recovery will cost a homeowner hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars a year in energy costs. If we tighten up a home and then put a 6" hole in the wall and bring in outside air, we must be running the electric bill through the roof. The truth is, we're actually talking tens of dollars - a year - in most cases. Take my home for example: I live in New England in a roughly 2,000 square foot home with oil heat. I got an estimate of $38-$144/year to operate an AirCycler® g2-k, depending on the tightness of my home. That’s roughly $3-$12/month. How do we know? We calculated it.

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Carly Maltais

AirCycler® Releases Hybrid Whole House-Exhaust Ventilation System to Meet ASHRAE 62.2 Requirements

We have recently released our cutting-edge AirCycler® g2 Furnace Fan Timer, designed to be the most cost-efficient and effective solution in the industry for meeting ASHRAE 62.2 whole house mechanical ventilation requirements. Using a patented algorithm, the AirCycler® g2 combines both central furnace fan integrated ventilation and exhaust fan ventilation methods for the ultimate whole house ventilation system.

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Carly Maltais

From Green Building Advisor: Designing a Good Ventilation System

Ventilating is easy — it’s ventilating right that’s hard

Most green builders include some type of mechanical ventilation system in every home they build. That’s good. Since green buildings usually have very low levels of air leakage, mechanical ventilation is usually essential. 

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