AirCycler® g3 + VentConnect™ Rocker Switch + Air Quality Sensor + 6" damper - KIT
AirCycler Indoor Air Quality Sensor
Operating Voltage: 24 VAC
Multi-color LED indicator
Sensor Parameters:
CO2: 400~5,000ppm
tVOC: 0~5000ug/m3
PM2.5: 0~1000ug/m3
Temp: 40 degrees to 100 degrees celsius
Humidity: 0~99%RH
FlowProbe In-Duct Air Flow Probe
CFM Range: 2-200CFM
Temperature Range: ~40 degrees to 85 degrees celsius +/- 0.4
RH Range: 0-100% +/- 2%
FreshConnect Universal Control
Operating Voltage: 120VAC +/- 10%
Maximum Fan Load: 100W
Full power metering capabilities
VentConnect Exhaust Fan Control Rocker Switch
Operating Voltage: 120VAC +/- 10%
Light: 450 Watts @ 120 VAC
Fan: 150 Watts @ 120 VAC
2.5" Minimum wall box recommended
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